a java application for show log file generate from logcat
You can run jar with command "java -jar LogcatFileReader-{version}.jar",
make sure the java binary is in your $PATH environment variable, and you type the command under the directory
which contains LogcatFileReader-xxx.jar.
Then you will see the following dialog which indicate you to select log file you want view and choose log text format:
If don't like some blank column which no content, you can right click the table header and select the popup menu item which named "hide column ...", like that:
You can just type some text which you want to search from message, and it will work with regex, or we call it ignore case.
Notice: you type "pre" is same as "Pre" and "text:Pre"
This is a example search with tag:
This is a example search with one tag and another tag, It must be no any row matches:
This is a example search with one tag or another tag:
This is a example search with one tag and one text, you can test search with one text and another text(using "text:"), that will be good:
This is a example search with one tag or one text, you can test search with one text or another text:
You also can filter with log level, like logcat:
You can type <Ctrl-F> or <Command-F> to request Find action. It will show Find Window, which can drag anywhere, find next matched word, find previous matched word. You also can indicate whether match case or apply regex or not when search word. If you type <ESC> or click the close button, will exit Find action.
In the filtered table, you may not see the context logs of someone line log, if you select the row of log, and right click, and select "peek context surround {line number}" menu item, now the multi-logs before and after this line will be showing for you.
Now, through the text box on the top right corner of the interface, you can navigate to the specified row. All you need is, in the filtered table, select a log, right-click to view the line number, remove the filter options, input line number in the text box, and press <ENTER>, the application will immediately jump to the line